Dokumenty parlamentního shromáždění:
Resolution 1191 (1999) on the information society and a digital world
Recommendation 1332 (1997) on the scientific and technical aspects of the new information and communications technologies
Resolution 1120 (1997) on the impact of the new communication and information technologies on democracy
Recommendation 1314 (1997) on the new technologies and employment
Recommendation 1122 (1990) on the revival of the countryside by means of information technology
Resolution 937 (1990) on telecommunications: the implications for Europe
Dokumenty výboru ministrů:
Recommendation CM/Rec (2018) 2 on the roles and responsibilities of internet intermediaries/Doporučení (2018) 2 Výboru ministrů členským státům o úloze a odpovědnosti internetových zprostředkovatelů (informace v přiloženém dokumentu typu rtf o velikosti 388 kB)
Recommendation CM/Rec(2009)5 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on measures to protect children against harmful content and behaviour and to promote their active participation in the new information and communications environment, adopted on 8 July 2009 (informace v přiloženém dokumentu typu doc o velikosti 195 kB)
Declaration on protecting the dignity, security and privacy of children on the internet, adopted on 20 February 2008
Declaration of the Committee of Ministers on human rights and the rule of law in the Information Society (CM(2005)56 final)
Recommendation CM/Rec(2007)16 on measures to promote the public service value of the Internet, adopted on 7 November 2007 (informace v přiloženém dokumentu typu doc o velikosti116 kB)
Recommendation Rec(2006)12 on empowering children in the new information and communications environment, adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 27 September 2006
Declaration on freedom of communication on the Internet, adopted on 28 May 2003 (PDF version including explanatory note)
Political message from the Committee of Ministers to the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)
Recommendation No. R (95) 13 concerning problems of criminal procedural law connected with information technology
Declaration on a European policy for new information technologies adopted on 7 May 1999
Recommendation No. R (2001) 8 on self-regulation concerning cyber content and its Explanatory Memorandum
Recommendation No. R (99) 5 for the protection of privacy on the Internet
Recommendation No. R (99) 14 on universal community service concerning new communication and information services and its Explanatory Memorandum