Dokumenty parlamentního shromáždění:
Recommendation 1855 (2009). The regulation of audiovisual media services (informace v přiloženém dokumentu typu doc o velikosti 44 kB)
Recommendation 1228 (1994) on cable networks and local television stations: their importance for Greater Europe
Resolution 937 (1990) on telecommunications: the implications for Europe
Resolution 957 (1991) on the situation of local radio in Europe
Recommendation 1147 (1991) on parliamentary responsibility for the democratic reform of broadcasting
Recommendation 1096 (1989) on the European Convention on Transfrontier Television
Dokumenty výboru ministrů:
Declaration of the Committee of Ministers on the independence and functions of regulatory authorities for the broadcasting sector, adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 26 March 2008
Declaration on the allocation and management of the digital dividend and the public interest, adopted on 20 February 2008
Recommendation No. R (2003) 9 on measures to promote the democratic and social contribution of digital broadcasting
Recommendation No. R (2002) 7 on measures to enhance the protection of the neighbouring rights of broadcasting organisations
Recommendation No. R (2000) 23 on the independence and functions of regulatory authorities for the broadcasting sector and its Explanatory Memorandum
Declaration on the exploitation of protected radio and television productions held in the archives of broadcasting organisations adopted on 9 September 1999
Declaration on neighbouring rights adopted on 17 February 1994
Recommendation No. R (93) 5 containing principles aimed at promoting the distribution and broadcasting of audio-visual works originated in countries or regions with a low audio-visual output or a limited geographic or linguistic coverage on the European television markets" and its Explanatory Memorandum
Recommendation No. R (91) 14 on the legal protection of encrypted television services and its Explanatory Memorandum
Recommendation No. R (91) 5 on the right to short reporting on major events where exclusive rights for their television broadcast have been acquired in a transfrontier context and its Explanatory Memorandum
Recommendation No. R (86) 2 on principles relating to copyright law questions in the field of television by satellite and cable